Saturday, June 19, 2010

Runny Yummy Eggs

I have been meaning to post this for awhile, and now that I have been sick on the couch for the past two days, I have my chance.  I love poached eggs.  I know, there are those of us that can not handle the thought of a runny egg.  Now I, on the other hand, love a little something to soak up with my sourdough toast.  But they are just so frigging hard to make!  They always crack, and even those little "egg poachers" just don't do the job as well as my dad does.  So I took a lesson from the wise man and threw all those silly contraptions by the wayside.  Let's do this the old fashion way.  A nice deep pot of boiling water, a little ramekin and a slotted spoon.  Some people say you need a thermometer to get the perfect temperature of water, but I say to heck with that!  I'm lazy folks.  So I brought the water to a boil and then reduced it to a simmer, cracked my egg carefully into the ramekin, and slowly slid it into the water.  3 minutes later, I had the PERFECT poached egg!  I  haven't yet had the courage to poach more than one at a time as of yet, but with a little time and patience, I feel that I may be able to tackle that task.   Now, I leave you with my beautiful creation.  Now where is my toast.....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Let's start at the very beginning...

There are so many things I love. Cooking, eating, watching movies, spending time with those dear to me, enjoying theatre (as an active participant or as an active audience member,) traveling and many more. I have some lovely friends who also have these blog things, and I have toyed with the idea of having one of my own for awhile, mostly because I have had the pleasure of enjoying some freaking amazing examples of my interest listed above and I would love to share them with others. Recipes, great plays, good bands, these are all things I have been lucky enough to stumble upon and I depend on others to enlighten me with their experiences as well. So here we are. Enjoy or ignore me, but feel free to give me your feedback.